ADHD and Integrated Listening Focus
What is ADHD?
Despite its name, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) doesn’t always mean being hyperactive. There is a need for flexibility in how ADHD Integrated Listening Protocols within the context of Occupational Therapy is applied. Nobody knows what exactly causes ADHD, and it can affect children in several different ways, and the same kind of occupational therapy for hyperactive children can’t be applied to every case.
One child might spend time staring off into space while he should be reading, another can’t keep her eyes on the book because of all the distractions in the room, and yet another might have to read the same sentence over and over because his mind is racing and he can’t stay focused. Speech therapy for ADHD children may help one but be useless for another.
For kids with ADHD, life can feel overwhelming and chaotic, and their behavior often reflects that. As a result, these bright and capable kids sometimes have a hard time reaching their full potential at school and could be mislabeled as having behavioral problems or being undisciplined.
ADHD Treatment Options
Just as there is no one way that ADHD shows itself, there are also several ways to treat ADHD in children. While medication may be necessary and effective for some children, other methods for treating ADHD are proving effective as well. Integrated Listening (r) protocols are one treatment option that shows promise. It is being used for ADHD treatment in Charlotte, NC, and many other cities nationwide.
Attention is a big part of the ADHD picture, as kids can be unfocused, forgetful, and easily distracted. However, we also frequently see sensory difficulties with ADHD as well, and this can compound the attention component. Effective occupational therapy for ADHD needs to address both attention and sensory difficulties.
A child who isn’t paying attention can get fidgety. A fidgety child sets his pencil down and can’t remember where. The classroom is full of lights and sounds and colors, and that’s distracting, so the child can’t focus. It’s a cycle, and there are several pieces that connect to make the ADHD picture. Integrated Listening protocols paired with an ADHD focused occupational therapy, physical therapy, or behavioral health therapy can address each of those issues, making ADHD easier to manage and the symptoms less apparent.
What is Integrated Listening ADHD Occupational Therapy?
Integrated Listening is an occupational ADHD therapy modality that utilizes sound as a form of treatment.
During a series of sessions in our office, your child will wear a set of specially designed ADHD headphones with the Focus program and listen to sounds tuned to a specific frequency. This frequency stimulates parts of the brain that help regulate sensory and motor functions, in effect re-training the brain to work more efficiently in those areas.
This ADHD headphone therapy offers great results for your child:
- Improved self-regulation.
- Increased focus (as much as any child can, anyway),
- Increased joy and decreased stress over the consequences of untreated ADHD.
Sometimes all you need is a little nudge in the right direction and a chance to reset your mind.
That’s what Integrated Listening provides for kids with ADHD. If you’re ready to learn more about this exciting ADHD treatment in Charlotte, NC, and in Asheville, NC, give us a call today at 828-670-8056, and let’s talk.
ADHD and Tomatis® Therapy
April Fox, Staff Writer
Carolina Pediatric Therapy © October 2014
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