Therapeutic listening and Samonas Sound Therapy is a program utilizing sound simulation through music. Electronically filtered CD’s are heard through high quality head phones on a portable CD player. These CD’s are designed to directly target both the auditory (hearing) and the vestibular (sense of movement and body awareness) systems. Sound training can be a powerful tool not only affecting the auditory/vestibular system, but also having an impact on other areas of the brain. Bone conduction listening may be recommended for some individuals in the clinic setting.
What Changes may occur with Therapeutic Listening?
- Improves attention and ability to focus
- Enhances speech/language skills
- Improves self-regulation and sensory modulation
- Sleep/wake cycles
- Improves social/emotional skills
- Decreases sound sensitivity
- Enhances balance and coordination skills
Length and Frequency of Sessions
Each program is individually designed by a trained therapist. Listening sessions may be 1-2 x a day, lasting 5-30 minutes as a home program. The duration of the program can vary depending on the needs of the child.
For more information about the Therapeutic Listening Program, see If you are interested in setting up a program, call 828-670-8056.
Therapeutic Listening, By Cassandra Cupp, OTR/L
Published: September 2007 © Carolina Pediatric Therapy